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The Florida Theatre is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please inform the Box Office of any special accommodations you may require when purchasing tickets, including the need for an ASL interpreter. An assistive listening system for those with a hearing impairment is available from the House Manager. The Theatre does not have its own parking lot. Accessible permit parking is available on the street.
There are dedicated wheelchair-accessible positions in the orchestra available at all price levels. Wheelchair-accessible seating is available online or by calling or visiting the box office. Wheelchair-accessible seating is open space for a wheelchair or other seated mobility device. The main Theatre doors under the marquee are accessible entrances. Upon entering, an usher can direct you to your seats through a completely accessible route.
There are dedicated wheelchair-accessible positions in the orchestra available at all price levels. Wheelchair-accessible seating is available online or by calling or visiting the box office. Wheelchair-accessible seating is open space for a wheelchair or other seated mobility device. The main Theatre doors under the marquee are accessible entrances. Upon entering, an usher can direct you to your seats through a completely accessible route.
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